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Country side and urban life comparison

Country side and urban life ist eines der Schwerpunktthemen in der Sekundarstufe II. Diese zwei völlig verschiedenen Welten eignen sich hervorragend für eine Vergleichsaufgabe (comparison).

Im Folgenden Text wurde das Leben auf dem land (country side) mit dem Stadtleben (urban life) gegenübergestellt.

Country side and urban life comparison

I would like to compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country side.

One of the biggest advantages of living in the countryside is less pollution and less noise, because of less traffic. Although there is noise in a village, too.  There is no noise of traffic, sirens from police or fire fighters but the noise from animals, gardening tools or fieldwork machines.

In the village you have more natural attractions such as rocks, water, plants and animals than in a city. Otherwise in a city you have more man-made attractions like buildings, bridges and so on. The life in a village or in the country is more relaxing and less stressful than the life in the city because in the city life seems to run faster than in the countryside.

Well, on the other hand, country life has disadvantages, too.

There aren’t so many shops or shopping malls nearby to you and some shops don’t open the whole day and sometimes they close very early or close during lunchbreaks. In a big city, many shops are open the whole day, means 24 hours – 7 days a week. You can find all types of restaurants from every country of the world, so you have a big offer. Against that, in the village you will be lucky to find a restaurant and you will be even luckier, if the restaurant is good too.

Mostly you have a good public transportation system. You can use all means of public transport in the city, like metro, bus and train. You don’t need an own car to get from A to B. Mostly you are faster without a car, because in the city there are traffic jams during the rush hour very often. In the countryside you are lost without an own car, because the distances are often very long and the trains or buses usually leaving one per hour

Well, the rent depends on where you live in the countryside. If you live near the big city, the rent is very expensive, because you are very fast in the town to go working and after work you can drive out. But the further distance to a city is, the rent will be decrease. That fact depends on the supply and demand for flats.

The rents in the city, especially in the center of the towns, are increasing more and more, because many people want to live their but unfortunately there are not so many flats. Thus only the rich people can afford to live in the center and the others must search further outside.

To sum it up, there are both advantages and disadvantages to living in both the countryside and the city. Some possible differences include:

  • Size and population density: Cities tend to have a higher population density than rural areas and are therefore usually larger and more densely populated. Life in the countryside is often less densely populated and provides more peace and relaxation.
  • Environment and nature: The countryside tends to have more nature and green spaces than the city. This can be an advantage for people who enjoy being in nature. Cities, on the other hand, often offer more cultural offerings and sights.
  • Traffic and transport: Cities often have a well-developed public transport network, making it easy to get from one place to another. In the countryside, public transport is often less well developed and a car is needed to travel longer distances.
  • Jobs and income: Cities typically offer more jobs and higher incomes than rural areas. However, living in the city can also be more expensive, with higher rents or purchase prices, for example.
  • Lifestyle and social life: Life in the countryside can be quieter and more relaxed, while life in the city is usually faster and more active. Cities also often offer more opportunities for social connections and leisure activities. However, there are also communities and clubs in rural areas that provide social exchange.

So all in all both sides have advantages and disadvantages. I prefer to live in the countryside but only near to the city. So you are very fast in the city and you can go out the city very fast, too. Mostly I do not need the advantage to go shopping 24/7.


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